Saturday, 13 October 2012

How to build Android CyanogenMod 7.2.0 for Samsung GT-S5570 tass phone from source code in Debian

This article shows how to build CyanogenMod 7.2.0 (Android fork) from source in Debian Sid (October 2012) for a Samsung GT-S5570 (tass) mobile phone.

7.2.0 is the stable CyanogenMod version for tass device.

First we create a directory to place everything there:
$ mkdir ~/mydroid
$ cd ~/mydroid

Download Android SDK

The Android SDK will provide us developer tools and libraries necessary to build our Android based system.

We choose linux platform and download a tar gz file.

Then to install the Android SDK we uncompress it and export the paths of tools and platforms directories.
$ tar xvzf android-sdk_r20.0.3-linux.tgz
$ export PATH=~/mydroid//android-sdk-linux/tools:~/mydroid/android-sdk-linux/platforms:$PATH


We have downloaded basic SDK. But it lacks some required tools like adb, etc.

To upgrade Android SDK in console:
$ android update sdk --no-ui

or using a graphical interface
$ android update sdk

It fetches some xml files and starts downloading Android SDK Platform-tools and some documentation.

We export the path to recently added SDK platform-tools:
$ export PATH="~/mydroid/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools:$PATH

Now adb tool is in our PATH.

Install required Debian packages