Friday, 26 December 2008

Installing Adobe Flash Player Plugin in GNU/Debian Sid

There are several available installation versions: tar.gz, deb and rpm.

I try deb package version because it solved me all unsatisfied dependencies that made iceweasel(firefox) crash.

First we download .deb package.

Now we install the package.
#dpkg -i install_flash_player_10_linux.deb

Solving dependencies problems
#apt-get -f install

You can now run iceweasel with adobe flash plugin support.

NOTE:Another way of installing this plugin is the Debian installation way:

supposing you have non-free repositories added in your sources.list file.

#aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree

It automatically installs tar.gz version from adobe page

However dependencies are not the same as .deb package and my iceweasel crashed.


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