Sunday, 15 March 2009

Creating a FEDORA 10 CHROOT Environment in DEBIAN SID

Fedora is a linux distribution supported by a community: and by Red Hat enterprise.
Fedora (Wikipedia)

Current release name is Fedora 10.

Fedora packages are provided in rpm format. We can manage these packages using rpm tool, and use yum to deal with repositories.

Debian sid provides the rpm tool so our first task will be installing it in our Debian system:
#aptitude install rpm

This tool will allow us to install fedora packages in our debian system using a separate database and a different directory than / .

We create the directory to place our Fedora chroot environment:
$mkdir Fedora
$cd Fedora
$mkdir Distro

We are going to download the minimal amount of rpm packages required for our Fedora distro.

Navigating through fedora project web page we can find some mirrors, e.g:
Choose one near you.

Within those mirrors we find where packages are:

We can download every package we need using wget tool.
Although we only show the installing rpm command, you will have to download every rpm package prior to install it.
NOTE: Package version may not coincide, but the same package name and same installing order are mandatory.

If we need some file to satisfy a dependency, but don't know which package contains it, this web page