Installing GNU/Debian Sid in Ubuntu Hardy using debootstrap and chroot
This article explains how to install GNU/Debian Sid in a previously installed Ubuntu Hardy System. We will use debootstrap and chroot tools to accomplish that. This how-to is not focused on security, it does not tell how to create a restricted chroot environment to improve security.
Ubuntu is a GNU/Debian based distro. Every six months they take GNU/Debian Unstable packages and make a new Ubuntu distribution.
Debian Sid provides more and newer packages. Ubuntu is configured for easiness. Debian has less preconfiguration instead.
chroot runs a command with a special root directory.
chroot comes as part of coreutils package.
$ sudo aptitude install coreutils
debootstrap command bootstraps a basic Debian system (it can also bootstrap other systems).
$ sudo aptitude install debootstrap
$ ls /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/
#shows which distros and versions you can install with debootstrap:
breezy edgy etch-m68k gutsy hoary lenny sarge sarge.fakechroot warty woody dapper etch feisty hardy hoary.buildd potato sarge.buildd sid warty.buildd woody.buildd
First of all we create the directory where Debian Sid will be installed.
$ mkdir DebianSid
This step is only necessary if you plan to boot your system from your Debian Sid chroot environment.
$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=DebianSidFile bs=1048576 count=10000
#We create DebianSidFile with 10 gigabyte capacity.$ sudo mkfs.ext3 -b 4096 -L DSid DebianSidFile
#Ext3 filesystem creation.$ sudo mount DebianSidFile DebianSid -t ext3 -o loop
#mounting it on DebianSid directory.INSTALLING A MINIMAL SYSTEM